Coffee products can consist of different ingredients, e.g. coffee, milk, sugar or a cup. To create such a product, first add the ingredients in the system.
1. In your account Settings, open Products Manager in Telemetry platform section.
2. Add the product name, its size (whole package, not one portion) and EAN code (optional). As a type, select the Ingredient option from the list to be able to use this product for creating other products.
An ingredient is, for example, instant coffee, milk powder, chocolate powder, sugar, cup etc.
Click on Create product button to save the ingredient.
3. This way add all the ingredients needed to serve the finished drink. Then you can create a coffee product.
You can easily check your ingredients in Product Manager, just use product type filter here:
Coffee products
1. In Products Manager click on Create product button, enter the product name and select its type - hot beverage. Add the size of the product, for example, Latte, 200 milliliters.
2. Then add the ingredients of the product (choose the ingredients and their quantity in the coffee product), for example:
Then, click on Create product button to save it.
When you connect a product to the machine, its components will be included in the list of missing products.